Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Great Barren Blog

I know. I haven't posted in a long time. I thought about regaling you with all the crazy things that happened in December and January, but then I read this comic.

So, no horror stories today.

(Now, for those who are worried about me, don't be. Nothing was terminal or so bad that it hasn't been completely solved by now. Just events in life ganging up on us for awhile.)

It wasn't all bad though. I read some awesome books. I learned the importance of market research. I had a friend hit #2 in her category on Amazon and then signed with an agent. I had a birthday. Plus, I've been asked a few technical questions I need to answer.

I may touch on some of these things in upcoming posts.

It's good to see you all again.

* xkcd is geeky comic that is funny, insightful, and quite often so profound it keeps me pondering for hours and sometimes days. Every once in a while a comic uses strong language, just in case you don't want to see that.
Creative Commons LicenseUnless otherwise noted, all posts on the John Waverly blog by John Waverly are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
* Background image based on Night Sky theme by Ray Creations